

Date: 2012-02-22

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: PCR-related technologies for in vitro diagnostics applications

Company: Roche (Switzerland) Life Technologies Corporation (USA)

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Roche and Life Technologies Corporation (LTC) have entered into two license agreements to allow LTC to expand its PCR offerings for diagnostics applications. Under these two agreements, Roche has granted LTC an in vitro diagnostics product license to all of Roche\'s patents for real-time PCR (polymerase chain reaction) as well as other important PCR-related technology in the diagnostics field. Also covered in these agreements are reagents and methods of using SYBR Green I technology, melting curve analysis for real-time PCR, and rights to use high-resolution melting-curve analysis (HRM) technology in the diagnostics field. Financial terms of the settlement were not disclosed.
The melting curve analysis is a technique for analysis of PCR products. After amplification, the resulting PCR product is slowly heated. Each double-stranded DNA has its own specific melting temperature (Tm) which is defined as the temperature at which 50% of the DNA becomes single stranded. By measurement of Tm using an intercalating dye, variations in the amplified DNA can be identified. This valuable intellectual property portfolio has been extensively licensed by Roche in cooperation with Idaho Technology, Inc.

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Is general: Yes