

Date: 2012-02-22

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: biomarker platform for targeted cellular therapies

Company: Apceth (Germany) Indivumed (Germany)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: cancer


apceth and Indivumed have entered into a partnership for the development of a predominantly tissue-based biomarker strategy for the treatment of solid cancers with cellular and / or gene  therapeutics. The goal is to predict the response of a targeted cellular / gene therapy in different cancer types and to stratify patients to provide a more individualized cancer treatment with apceth’s innovative cell and cell-based gene therapeutics.
The two partners will use Indivumed’s tumor tissue bank and its expertise in tissue-based biomarker discovery and validation. Indivumed has specialized in obtaining high-quality biospecimens and clinical data from surgical cancer patients and has established a unique tumor biobank and clinical research infrastructure. A special analytical platform for cancer tissue allows Indivumed to identify and validate protein biomarkers and targets with extremely high reliability in terms of their clinical application. One of Indivumed’s strengths is analyzing cancer pathway molecules for predicting drug response. apceth wants to make use of Indivumed’s highly regarded tumor tissue bank and its expertise in tissue-based biomarker discovery and validation. Both companies believe that the combination of apceth’s therapeutic approach and Indivumed’s biomarker platform has the potential to drive future cancer therapeutics and pharmaceutical innovation, thereby making the promises for personalized medicine a reality. Both companies look forward to future collaborations for the development of reliable biomarker sets to predict the response of cell therapies in cancer.

Financial terms:

The current project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Munich Leading-Edge Cluster (project number:01EX1021K).

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Is general: Yes