

Date: 2011-05-11

Type of information: Production agreement

Compound: SXN101959

Company: Syntaxin (UK) SynCo Bio Partners (The Netherlands)

Therapeutic area: Hormonal diseases - Endocrine diseases - Rare diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

inhibition of growth hormone release

Disease: acromegaly


Syntaxin, a biotechnology company specialising in innovative biopharmaceutical therapies for cell secretion control, has concluded a manufacturing agreement with SynCo Bio Partners B.V. Under the agreement, SynCo will manufacture SXN101959, Syntaxin’s lead internal candidate for acromegaly, discovered from its Targeted Secretion Inhibitor (TSI) platform. Under the agreement, SynCo will manufacture multiple batches of SXN101959 drug substance for the non-clinical and clinical programme. The manufacturing programme at SynCo Bio has commenced, with technical transfer of the manufacturing process and analytical release and stability assays from Syntaxin.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes