

Date: 2012-01-17

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: new biomarkers and treatments in the field of kidney disease

Company: Evotec (Germany) Harvard University (USA)

Therapeutic area: Kidney diseases - Renal diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: kidney diseases


Evotec and Harvard University have concluded a second strategic alliance, this time including Brigham and Women’s Hospital aimed at discovering and developing new biomarkers and treatments in the field of kidney disease. The first successful collaboration “CureBeta” was established in March 2011 to develop new diabetes therapies targeting beta cell regeneration.
This program “CureNephron” is designed to deliver and exploit novel therapeutic targets as well as biomarkers that allow more accurate diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of chronic and acute kidney disease.  The team will cover kidney biology, physiology, and disease as well as leading drug discovery expertise. The studies will explore primary mechanisms leading and driving the development of kidney damage .Further details and commercial terms of the cooperation are not disclosed.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes