

Date: 2012-01-12

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: novel drug candidates against multiple targets across different therapeutic areas

Company: Novalix (France) Teijin Pharma (Japan)

Therapeutic area: undisclosed

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: undisclosed


Novalix has entered into a multi-target integrated drug discovery collaboration with Teijin Pharma . Within the alliance the companies will collaborate to develop novel drug candidates against multiple targets across different therapeutic areas. NovAliX will initially use its protein biochemistry expertise in combination with its comprehensive biophysical technology platform. NovAliX will apply its proprietary Graffinity SPR-based screening technology for the identification of novel chemotypes, and then engage its native nano-MS technology for further characterization of selected small molecule hit structures. This arrangement represents NovAliX’ first discovery collaboration with Teijin Pharma.
Teijin is the second Japanese pharmaceutical company to partner with Novalix this year. Last march, the company has already concluded an agreement with Shionogi.

Financial terms:

 Under the terms of the agreement NovAliX will receive technology access fees as well as further research funding payments. Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes