

Date: 2011-04-13

Type of information:

Compound: humanised anti-midkine antibody

Company: Antitope (UK) Cellmid (Australia)

Therapeutic area: Autoimmune diseases - Immunological diseases - Inflammatory diseases

Type agreement: R&D

Action mechanism: Midkine is a potent pro-inflammatory molecule contributing to disease in a number of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders and cancers. In preclinical studies Cellmid’s anti-midkine antibodies have reduced symptoms of inflammation by sequestering circulating midkine in the blood. It is anticipated that a humanised anti-midkine antibody will be a potent modulator of inflammation and autoimmunity and may contribute to the treatment of a number of diseases.


Details: Cellmid has signed a collaboration agreement with Antitope for the humanisation of its lead therapeutic monoclonal antibody candidate. The collaboration is expected to deliver a drug candidate, a first in class humanised anti-midkine antibody, using Cellmid’s patented sequence and Antitope’s proprietary EpiScreen™ and Composite Human Antibody™ technologies. Antitope has already completed the interim milestone of producing a chimeric anti-midkine antibody, therefore significantly reducing the technical risks of the collaboration. The selection of the fully humanised lead is scheduled for Q3 2011.
As part of the agreement Antitope will also produce sufficient humanised antibody for preclinical testing using their proprietary high yielding CHO expression system.  Pre-clinical testing of the humanised drug candidate in several disease models is anticipated to commence in Q4 2011. Cellmid’s lead will be humanised by Antitope using their proprietary Composite Human Antibody™ technology.

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Is general: Yes