

Date: 2011-10-12

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: humanized anti-Clever-1 antibody FP-1304

Company: Faron Pharmaceuticals (Finland) Biovian (Finland)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Clever-1 is Faron’s proprietary receptor target (e.g. EP patent 1463760) and the Clever-1 function-blocking antibodies are part of Faron’s expanding product pipeline. Both ex vivo and in vivo experimental work have demonstrated that blocking Clever-1 function with monoclonal



Faron Pharmaceuticals has contracted Biovian, Ltd. (Turku, Finland) to initiate the development of GMP manufacturing of Faron’s humanized anti-Clever-1 antibody FP-1304. This collaboration is aiming at the production of clinical grade FP-1304 for early phase I/II studies in the oncology area. Simultaneously with the manufacturing development, Faron will conduct more detailed studies on the expression of Clever-1 in various human  tumors and their metastases, in an attempt to choose the most likely tumor type, which could benefit most from Clever-1 blocking. This work is mainly conducted by Faron’s scientific network.


Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes