

Date: 2011-04-05

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: novel injectable sustained release drug delivery system for an undisclosed high value biological drug

Company: Critical Pharmaceuticals (UK) Polytherics (UK)

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Critical Pharmaceuticals and PolyTherics have announced a collaboration to develop a novel injectable sustained release drug delivery system for a high value biological drug. The companies have been awarded a grant from the government-backed Technology Strategy Board to develop the technology and prototype drug. The aim of the collaboration is to produce a clinically superior sustained release product that can be administered less frequently than currently marketed products with a potential reduction in side effects and improved overall efficacy.
The project is scheduled to run for two years with a total budget of just under £700,000; the Technology Strategy Board will meet half the costs to support the development of the technology and a novel long acting product up to proof of concept in an established disease model.

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Is general: Yes