

Date: 2012-01-05

Type of information:

Compound: controlled release formulation that combines the client\'s optimized product candidate with Octoplus\'s proprietary drug delivery technology PolyActive

Company: Octoplus (The Netherlands) undisclosed top-5 pharmaceutical company

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement: R&D

Action mechanism:

Disease: undisclosed


OctoPlus has won an expansion of its drug delivery technology evaluation contract with an existing client, a top-5 global pharmaceutical company. OctoPlus has performed feasibility work for previous compounds of this client in 2009 and 2010 and those studies have been successful. Pre-clinical studies performed with the prototype controlled release formulation were also successful. Under the new contract announced, Octoplus will develop a controlled release formulation that combines the client's optimized product candidate with its proprietary drug delivery technology PolyActive®. If the project is successful, the contract may progress to a full process development and manufacturing contract, and a licensing agreement.

Financial terms: Financial details were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes