

Date: 2011-09-19

Type of information:

Compound: new medicines and drug compounds targeting mitochondrial physiology and pathophysiology

Company: NeuroVive Pharmaceutical (Sweden) Selvia (UK)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement: R&D

Action mechanism:



UK-based contract research organisation Selcia Limited and NeuroVive Pharmaceutical have signed a significant research collaboration agreement to develop new medicines and drug compounds targeting mitochondrial physiology and pathophysiology. The collaboration is focused on mitochondrial medicine, an emerging therapeutic modality that promises innovative new treatments for major chronic diseases, such as cancer and obesity, and acute conditions such as stroke and heart failure. Selcia and NeuroVive will jointly invest in the collaboration to combine Selcia´s leading expertise in medicinal and analytical chemistry with NeuroVive´s advanced research and development programs in mitochondrial medicine.

Financial terms:

Latest news:

Is general: Yes