

Date: 2011-08-10

Type of information: Commercialisation agreement

Compound: Enigma® ML system

Company: GSK (UK) Enigma Diagnostics (UK)

Therapeutic area: Respiratory diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:



GSK and Enigma Diagnostics have signed agreements for the supply and commercialisation on an exclusive basis of the Enigma® ML system in Europe and other designated key countries, including India, Brazil and Russia. The agreements include development by Enigma of an initial range of respiratory tests for use on its real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology platform, and provide GSK the opportunity to generate revenues from further test developments in infectious diseases and in other therapeutic areas relevant to its healthcare business. 
The new collaboration significantly extends the scope of the Influenza partnership announced in July 2009 for the Enigma® ML system and builds on GSK’s extensive expertise and heritage within the respiratory therapeutic area and the extended capabilities offered by the Enigma® ML system.


Financial terms:

Under the terms of this agreement, GSK will make an additional equity investment and upfront payment, R&D-related payments, and royalties on net sales of resulting products. Additional payments will be subject to agreed commercialisation milestones.

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Is general: Yes