

Date: 2011-09-27

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: low molecular weight natural products to treat microbial infections

Company: Hypha Discovery (UK) Ferrer Grupo (Spain)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

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Action mechanism:

Disease: microbial infections


Hypha has announced a collaboration with Ferrer Grupo to mine Hypha\'s MycoDiverse™ library to discover novel low molecular weight natural products to treat microbial infections. Hypha's library will provide an important complement to Ferrer\'s synthetic chemistry-driven discovery programme. This collection of 10,000 refined fractions from fermentations of higher fungi has been generated using Hypha’s proprietary technology to stimulate secondary metabolite production. The collection contains a very high percentage of relatively low molecular weight (MW <500) and undescribed compounds and is a proven source of novel lead compounds against “difficult” therapeutic targets, including protein-protein interactions.

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Is general: Yes