

Date: 2011-09-07

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: CHEF1® expression system

Company: CMC Biologics (Denmark-USA) Oxford BioTherapeutics (UK)

Therapeutic area:

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CMC Biologics and Oxford BioTherapeutics (OBT) have entered into a non¬exclusive license agreement providing OBT with access to CMC Biologics’ CHEF1® expression system. The agreement covers the research, development, and commercial use of the system by OBT. CMC Biologics’ CHEF1 cell line development platform promotes high level expression of recombinant proteins early in development and allows rapid isolation of cell lines, delivering stable, production-quality cell lines in as little as 12 weeks. OBT intends to use the CHEF1 system for the efficient production of its oncologic therapeutic antibodies, each of which is directed to a novel target identified by OBT using its OGAP® proteomic database. The license to CHEF1 signifies the continued expansion of OBT’s access to world-class antibody technologies, and demonstrates OBT’s commitment to strengthening its production and preclinical capabilities as its pipeline matures.

Financial terms:

Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes