

Date: 2011-01-12

Type of information: R&D agreement


Company: Sanofi-Aventis ( France) University of California, San Francisco -UCSF (USA)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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Sanofi-aventis and UCSF have formed two R&D collaborations that join together leaders from academia and industry to more rapidly advance groundbreaking innovation from the lab to the patient. The second collaboration is an oncology partnership that will focus on project-based collaboration to accelerate the progression of research through the clinical proof of concept stage.
Under the terms of the agreement, a UCSF/sanofi-aventis Joint Steering Committee will choose from among UCSF-generated proposals identified for their scientific excellence. Sanofi-aventis will fund up to five grants a year, with additional funds being available for students or fellows to intern at sanofi-aventis to conduct collaborative research. To further this exchange of ideas, sanofi-aventis will fund an annual research forum that will bring together sanofi-aventis and UCSF researchers to share knowledge and perspectives on relevant scientific matters and to review progress of research projects funded through the collaboration.

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Is general: Yes