

Date: 2011-05-31

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: vaccine candidates derived from the AAVLP program

Company: MediGene (Germany) The Johns Hopkins University (USA)

Therapeutic area: CancerOncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

In its AAVLP program, which is currently at the pre-clinical stage, MediGene is investigating the use of The Johns Hopkins University (AAV) as a vaccine. The adeno-associated virus is non-pathogenic, i.e. it does not cause disease. The virus protein shell, the capsid, is suited for the production of so-called virus-like particles (VLP), which can be used as a basis for novel vaccines. By inserting short antigenic peptides (B-cell epitopes) into the AAV capsid, a highly specific antibody reaction against selected target molecules can be induced in the body. These antibodies can protect the body (i.e. have a prophylactic effect) or act as a therapy against existing diseases.

Disease: HPV-associated cancer


MediGene and The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, have agreed to collaborate in the field of AAVLP vaccine technology. The objective of this collaboration is to test vaccine candidates derived from the AAVLP program for the prevention of HPV-associated cancer types, and in so doing to further advance the development of the AAVLP program. The vaccine candidates examined within the framework of this collaboration target at a number of carcinogenic human papillomaviruses (HPV) causing, for example, cervical cancer. The lead investigator will be Richard B. S. Roden, Ph.D., professor of Gynecology/Obstetrics and Oncology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. MediGene is currently conducting research into the application of AAVLP technology for the treatment of cancer and viral infections, and is examining the possibility of using AAV libraries for the systematic identification of suitable vaccine candidates. The key benefit of this technology may be the possibility of transferring the efficacy of existing therapeutic antibodies directly into a vaccine.

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Is general: Yes