

Date: 2018-09-19

Type of information: Research agreement

Compound: 4D bioprinting of liver tissues

Company: Poietis (France) Servier (France)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

Type agreement: research - development - R&D

Action mechanism: bioprinting



  • • On September 19, 2018, Servier and Poietis have announced a scientific partnership to use Poietis’s 4D bioprinting technology for the development and production of liver tissues. This partnership seeks to improve the detection of drug-induced liver lesions as early as the preclinical trial phase. Such lesions are rare but can have serious consequences for patients. This hepatotoxic potential is poorly detected by current preclinical models. Beyond animal models, various models based on human cell cultures are available, but most lack longevity and complexity, which limits their usefulness in toxicology. Poietis’s 4D bioprinting technology has emerged as an innovative technology capable of helping to overcome these limitations.
  • The partnership is based on the reproduction of a new, complex, bioprinted human liver tissue containing lines of human liver cells and immunocompetent cells within a defined architecture designed to imitate human liver tissue in vitro.

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