

Date: 2018-08-01

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: packaging and application devices for mRNA therapeutics

Company: BioNTech (Germany) SiO2 Medical Products (“SMP”) (USA - Ala)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

Type agreement: collaboration

Action mechanism:



  • • On August 1, 2018, BioNTech and SiO2 Medical Products (“SMP”) announced a common testing of SMP’s high performance primary packaging container to preserve BioNTech´s mRNA vials for cancer-immunotherapy drugs.
  • Following the completion of successful process evaluations involving leading fill-/finish-machine manufacturers, SMP and BioNTech want to explore and develop superior packaging as well as application devices manufactured by SMP for a range of BioNTech products. It is expected that after a first successful adoption for mRNA use, the technology may be strategically extended to multiple other BioNTech products.
  • SiO2 Medical Products, Inc., a privately-owned company, develops and manufactures precision-molded containers composed of engineered polymers, such as cyclic olefin polymer (COP), and incorporates a thin, transparent, silicon-based coating system composed of organosiloxane and silica nano-layers, which can also incorporate distinct surface properties. This new and patented coating system provides the durability and dimensional consistency of plastics with the oxygen barrier properties, ultra-low extractables, and pH stability of silica glass (i.e., quartz). Bringing together the best qualities of both plastics and glass containers, without their respective drawbacks, presents an innovative approach to primary packaging and allows an individual configuration and fully customized device solutions reflecting the specific needs of the packaged drug product.

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