

Date: 2018-08-02

Type of information: Nomination

Compound: member of the board of directors

Company: Orchard Therapeutics (UK)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases

Type agreement: nomination

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  • • On August 2, 2018, Orchard Therapeutics announced the appointment of Jon Ellis as GSK’s designated representative to its board of directors. Dr. Ellis is currently vice president and head of science & technology licensing at GSK. Dr. Ellis brings more than 25 years in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry, leading a variety of R&D activities including drug development projects and strategic business development with a particular focus on complex technologies and emerging therapeutic modalities. At GSK, Dr. Ellis led several strategic transactions in the gene therapy field. Dr. Ellis holds Master of Arts and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Cambridge, and a Master of Business Administration from Henley Management College. He is an inventor of more than 35 patent families.

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Is general: Yes