

Date: 2017-12-27

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: NOX66 (idronoxil)

Company: Kazia Therapeutics (Australia), previously known as Novogen - Noxopharm (Australia)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement: collaboration

Action mechanism:

  • transduction inhibitor/kinase inhibitor/tyrosine kinase inhibitor.  Idronoxil is an analogue of the plant hormone, genistein. This hormone  was identified in the 1990s as a promising anti-cancer drug because of its ability to inhibit a ubiquitous family of human enzymes known as protein kinases.  Genistein is an inhibitor predominantly of the tyrosine kinases, with some activity against serine/threonine kinases. Idronoxil is a structural analogue of genistein, selected for its greater potency and not being susceptible to Phase 1 metabolism. Idronoxil, like genistein, works by inhibiting a range of enzymes including sphingosine kinase and PI3 kinase that regulate cell pro-survival mechanisms and which are over-expressed in cancer cells, as well as inhibiting external NADH oxidase Type 2 (ENOX 2) which is responsible for maintaining the transmembrane electron potential (TMEP) in the plasma membrane of cancer cells and whose expression is limited to cancer cells. Inhibition of these enzymes results in disruption of key downstream prosurvival mechanisms including resistance mechanisms, sensitizing the cancer cell to the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy drugs and radiotherapies



  • • On December 27, 2017, Kazia Therapeutics and Noxopharm announced a collaboration to support the future development of the Noxopharm lead program, NOX66. Under the terms of the collaboration, Kazia will provide certain technical information and related proprietary information that is expected to assist and expedite the successful development of NOX66. In return, Kazia has agreed to take a small equity interest in Noxopharm, which will help to align the future interests of both companies. .

Financial terms:

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