

Date: 2016-05-12

Type of information: Joint-venture agreement

Compound: Neostell

Company: Neovacs (France) Stellar Biotechnologies (USA - CA)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:



* On May 12, 2016, Neovacs announced that the Company has finalized the terms of its partnership with US company Stellar Biotechnologies, to determine the creation of the production company Neostell SAS under a form of a joint venture, based in the Paris area and owned 70% by Neovacs and 30% by Stellar Biotechnologies.
Under the terms of this joint venture agreement, Neovacs and Stellar Biotechnologies have agreed to combine their skills, to manufacture and sell all types of conjugated vaccines to third party customers worldwide, as well as produce all of Neovacs’ Kinoids, including IFN?-Kinoid. Investments for this production unit will start after the results of the phase 2b study of IFN?-Kinoid in lupus conducted by Neovacs and currently ongoing.


Financial terms:

Beyond the interest of 30 % held by Stellar Biotechnologies, Neovacs has received € 5 million for this project from the public funding program “PIAVE” set up by Bpifrance.

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Is general: Yes