

Date: 2017-12-12

Type of information: Nomination

Compound: chief executive officer

Company: Chugai Pharmaceutical (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Immunological diseases

Type agreement: nomination

Action mechanism:

  • • On December 12, 2017, Chugai Pharmaceutical  announced that the company resolved to appoint Tatsuro Kosaka, currently Representative Director, President and Chief Operating Officer (COO), as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The change of the CEO will be formalized at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors Meeting to be held at the end of March 2018.
  • Ever since the conclusion of the strategic alliance agreement with Roche in 2001, the company has worked hard to firmly establish this novel business model. As next year, 2018, will be the final year of mid-term business plan IBI 18, and also the period when the next mid-term business plan, starting from 2019, will be drafted, it was decided to appoint Tatsuro Kosaka as Representative Director, President and CEO with the aim of achieving the continuous growth of the Chugai Group and further enhancing corporate value.
  • Under the new management system, Osamu Nagayama will continue to chair the board in his capacity as Representative Director and Chairman, focusing on his responsibility for management oversight.
  • Mr. Kosaka will chair the Executive Committee in his capacity as Representative Director, President and CEO and bear the role and responsibilities for decision-making over company-wide strategy and the execution of operations.



Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes