

Date: 2017-11-09

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: IONIS-DNM2-2.5Rx (Dyn101)

Company: Dynacure (France) Ionis Pharmaceuticals (USA - CA)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases

Type agreement: licensing

Action mechanism: antisense drug.

Disease: centronuclear myopathy (CNM)


  • • On November 9, 2017, Ionis Pharmaceuticals and Dynacure announced that Dynacure has licensed IONIS-DNM2-2.5Rx (Dyn101), a generation 2.5 antisense drug targeting dynamin 2 for the treatment of centronuclear myopathy (CNM), for which Ionis earned a $5 million license fee in the form of Dynacure equity. Dynacure will now assume all development and commercialization responsibilities for the program.

Financial terms:

  • Under its collaboration agreement with Dynacure, Ionis is eligible to receive additional cash or equity of up to more than $205 million in milestone payments. In addition, Ionis is eligible to receive royalties on future product sales of the drug under this collaboration.

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