

Date: 2011-05-17

Type of information: Distribution agreement

Compound: ImmuCyst®

Company: Alliance Pharma (UK) Sanofi Pasteur (France)

Therapeutic area: Cancer- Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer


Alliance Pharma has announced the renewal for a period of up to seven years of its agreement with sanofi pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi, for the distribution of ImmuCyst® in the UK and Ireland. Sales of the product in the twelve months ended 30 April 2011 in the UK and Ireland were £3.7 million (€ 4.22 million). ImmuCyst® has been distributed by Alliance's Cambridge Laboratories business unit since the acquisition of the trade and certain assets of Cambridge Laboratories in February 2010.

Financial terms:

The renewal of the ImmuCyst® distribution agreement triggers the payment by Alliance of up to £2.1 million (€ 2.39 million) deferred cash consideration for Cambridge Laboratories.

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Is general: Yes