

Date: 2017-07-31

Type of information: Product acquisition

Compound: Sitavig® (acyclovir Lauriad™), Loramyc® (miconazole Lauriad™)

Company: Onxeo (France) Vectans Pharma (France)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement: product acquisition

Action mechanism: These products have already been licensed to several international distributors and have reached various development stages depending on the country, from ongoing registration activities to market authorization and commercialization.

Disease: labial herpes, oropharyngeal candidiasis


  • • On July 31, 2017, Onxeo announced the sale of two historical products Sitavig® and Loramyc® to Vectans Pharma, a private pharmaceutical company which develops and markets innovative therapeutics in oral pathologies.
  • Sitavig® and Loramyc are the two first products developed and registered in Europe and the US by Onxeo R&D teams for the treatment of labial herpes and oropharyngeal candidiasis respectively.
  • While these two products, commercialized or under approval in several key countries around the world, illustrate Onxeo’s development experience and skills, they are no longer at the heart of its strategy dedicated to the development of innovative drugs in orphan oncology. The company will now concentrate all its resources on the development of its pipeline in orphan oncology.
  • Vectans Pharma, in turn, specializes in commercialization of drugs for oral pathologies, and is therefore ideally positioned to harvest the full potential of these products.

Financial terms:

  • Under this agreement, Onxeo will assign to Vectans Pharma all assets relating to the two products – notably patents, regulatory authorizations and outstanding contracts – and will receive an upfront payment of €4 million, as well as a potential earn-out payment based on the cumulated worldwide commercial performance of the products. In addition, Onxeo will receive most of the expected milestone payments from existing partners, related to predefined regulatory or commercial performance events expected over the next 3 years.

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