

Date: 2017-06-26

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: measles vaccines and acellular pertussis vaccine

Company: Takeda Pharmaceutical (Japan) Biological E. (India)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement: licensing

Action mechanism: vaccine

Disease: measles, pertussis


  •   • On June 26, 2017, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company and Biological E. announced that they have entered into a collaboration whereby two licensing agreements to expedite the development and delivery of affordable combination vaccines have been executed. Biological E. will commercialize the vaccine in India, China and low- and middle-income countries where large, unmet public health needs exist.
  • Under these agreements, Takeda will conduct a transfer from Japan to BE its existing measles and acellular pertussis vaccine bulk production technology, including the provision of technical services such as support in infrastructure review, training for production and quality control, technical assistance in process development, preclinical study design and production of clinical batch and the first commercial batches.
  • Biological E. will scale up the bulk production technology transferred from Takeda and will be solely responsible for conducting and funding development activities for the combination vaccines. Biological E. has rights to use Takeda’s measles vaccine technology for a combination MR vaccine and the right to use Takeda’s pertussis vaccine technology for any pertussis-containing combination vaccine. BE will have commercialization rights for the MR and pertussis vaccines in India, China and selected public markets worldwide as defined in the agreements.

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