

Date: 2017-04-04

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: cancer biomarker visualization technology

Company: MDxHealth (Belgium) Ghent University (Belgium)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Diagnostic

Type agreement: collaboration

Action mechanism: biomarker. The diagnostic technology invented at Ghent University employs biomarker-specific probes in a methylation in situ hybridization (MISH) platform to directly target and visualize methylation changes associated with cancer in a patient's DNA. The MISH platform uses chromogens and fluorescent dyes that make the targeted biomarkers glow in a different color if they are methylated. So, methylation patterns can be visualized at a molecular level within a histological context.

Disease: prostate cancer, bladder cancer

Details: • On April 4, 2017, MDxHealth announced that it has signed an exclusive licensing deal with Ghent University for its proprietary molecular diagnostic visualization technology that will allow the visual detection of epigenetic changes associated with cancer in both tissue and liquid specimens. In a separate agreement, MDxHealth has also joined forces with the University to leverage the licensed technology for the Company's current and future in vitro diagnostic kits and laboratory developed tests. Under the terms of the license agreement, MDxHealth has exclusive use of Ghent University's diagnostic visualization technology for urological cancers. Together, through their expanded research collaboration, MDxHealth and Ghent University scientists will initially focus on validating cancer-specific biomarkers for prostate and bladder cancer.

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