

Date: 2011-01-12

Type of information: R&D agreement


Company: Sanofi-Aventis ( France) University of California, San Francisco - UCSF (USA)

Therapeutic area: CNS diseases - Inflammatory diseases - Immunological diseases - Metabolic diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: pain - inflammation


Sanofi-aventis and UCSF have formed two R&D collaborations that join together leaders from academia and industry to more rapidly advance groundbreaking innovation from the lab to the patient. A first collaboration promotes innovative research in pharmacological science and in multiple therapeutic areas, such as oncology, aging, diabetes and inflammation.
Under the terms of the agreement, a UCSF/sanofi-aventis Joint Steering Committee will choose from among UCSF-generated proposals identified for their scientific excellence. Sanofi-aventis will fund up to five grants a year, with additional funds being available for students or fellows to intern at sanofi-aventis to conduct collaborative research. To further this exchange of ideas, sanofi-aventis will fund an annual research forum that will bring together sanofi-aventis and UCSF researchers to share knowledge and perspectives on relevant scientific matters and to review progress of research projects funded through the collaboration.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes