

Date: 2013-03-13

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Genable Technologies (Ireland)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases - Ophtalmological diseases

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* On May 13, 2013, Genable Technologies announced the appointment of Annette Clancy as Chairman of the Board. Annette graduated in Pharmacology from Bath University UK and also holds a series of American Management Diplomas. She has had a celebrated 30-year career in the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry, predominantly at GlaxoSmithKline, where she has worked on a variety of R&D and commercial functions. Ms Clancy was Head of Transactions and Alliance Management at GSK where she was responsible for executing innovative deals ranging from early drug discovery partnerships, to global commercial alliances and Mergers and Acquisitions.

Since her retirement from GSK in 2008, Ms Clancy has been appointed as Non-Executive Board Director to Silence Therapies plc. (2008-2012) and Clavis Pharma in Norway (2008 ongoing). Ms Clancy also currently serves as Senior European Advisor to the biopharmaceutical team of Frazier Healthcare Ventures, for whom she provides strategic advice on both new and existing investments. As a Non-Executive Board Member to Genable Technologies Ltd., Ms Clancy will also provide strategic consultancy advice to the company.


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Is general: Yes