

Date: 2012-07-12

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: ddRNAi technology

Company: Benitec Biopharma (Australia) Genable Technologies (Ireland)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases - Ophtalmological diseases

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Disease: retinitis pigmentosa


* On July 10, 2012,  Genable Technologies announcedthe execution of an exclusive worldwide licensing agreement with Benitec Biopharma  for the use of Benitec’s ddRNAi technology for rhodopsin-linked autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (RHO-adRP). RHO-adRP is caused by any one of more than a hundred inherited defects in the rhodopsin gene making a single treatment very difficult until now. Genable’s approach utilises ddRNAi to develop a single therapy that can be used to treat patients with RHO-adRP regardless of which of the RHO mutations causes the disease. It involves suppression of both the mutant and normal genes and replacement with a normal RHO gene that has been modified to be resistant to ddRNAi gene silencing. The program has established proof of concept studies in an in vivo model of the disease. Results of the program were reported at the World Gene Therapy Congress in May 2012 in London.


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