

Date: 2011-05-09

Type of information:

Compound: new silica based drug products

Company: FORMAC Pharmaceuticals (Belgium) W. R. Grace & Co.’s Discovery Sciences (USA)

Therapeutic area: Drug delivery

Type agreement: Collaboration

Action mechanism:


Details: FORMAC Pharmaceuticals has entered into a multiyear global strategic partnership with W. R. Grace & Co.’s Discovery Sciences, a US based multinational company, to develop new silica based drug products. FORMAC will be responsible for the discovery and preclinical development of new small molecule candidate drugs that may benefit from its unique silica based drug delivery approach. The alliance will make use of FORMAC´s proprietary high throughput screening platform for identification of optimal silica-drug combinations. W.R. Grace & Co, as a global leader of silica gel and other material science technologies, will provide material expertise, scale-up and commercialization for new optimized materials for drug delivery.

Financial terms: Financial details were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes