

Date: 2011-01-25

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: BioPrint® (pharmacology and ADME database)

Company: Cerep (France) Shire (UK-USA)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

database composed of three main data sets: chemical descriptors (structures and chemical information, 2D and 3D descriptors), in vitro profi les and in vivo effects of tested compound.



Cerep has announced the signature of an evaluation license with Shire on BioPrint®. The agreement gives Shire access to the BioPrint® database and related pharmaco-informatics tools. In addition, Cerep will generate new BioPrint® data on Shire compounds for Shire’s exclusive use. Shire and Cerep will also collaborate on further development of BioPrint® and related pharmaco-informatics tools aimed at predicting adverse drug reactions as early as possible in pre-clinical research.

Financial terms:

Cerep will receive an annual license fee and payments for the generation of new BioPrint® data.

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Is general: Yes