

Date: 2011-01-13

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: LNK mutations

Company: Ipsogen (France) Stanford University (USA)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: myeloid disorders


The partners have signed an agreement for the worldwide license on genomic mutations in the LNK gene. Dysregulated JAK-STAT signaling due to activation of tyrosine kinases is a common feature of
myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs). The lymphocyte specific adaptor protein (LNK) is a negative
regulator of the JAK-STAT signaling pathway, and its disruption could represent an alternative mechanism
to JAK2 or MPL mutations in the pathobiology of MPN. The first disease-related mutations of LNK in
patients with JAK2 V617F- negative MPNs were reported by S. Oh et al. at Stanford University, Cal, US in Blood in April 2010. Additional findings on the potential role of the LNK protein to identify predisposition to develop leukemia in MPN patients have been reported in a recent publication in Leukemia (Pardanani et al, 2010). Based on these findings, Ipsogen aims at developing diagnostic tools that could be used by diagnostic laboratories in their routine practice.

Financial terms:

Financial details of the agreement were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes