

Date: 2014-04-16

Type of information: Collaboration agreement


Company: The Lead Discovery Center (LDC) (Germany) Daiichi Sankyo (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Cardiovascular diseases - Metabolic diseases

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* On April 16, 2014, The Lead Discovery Center GmbH (LDC) and Daiichi Sankyo Co have teamed up to discover new medicines for the treatment of disease with high unmet medical needs. The partners will focus on targeted disease areas and novel mechanisms of strategic interest to Daiichi Sankyo, including oncology, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Through an initial two-year period of collaboration, LDC will identify promising novel targets from its pan-European network of leading universities and research organizations including members of the Max Planck Society. Individual projects selected by Daiichi Sankyo will be screened by LDC using its own collection of some 200,000 high-quality compounds plus an additional 70,000 compounds contributed from Daiichi Sankyo’s corporate Pharma Space Library to generate innovative starting points for joint drug discovery projects. In addition, LDC will be responsible for assay development and hit validation. Daiichi Sankyo will contribute by research funding as well as in-kind support e.g. through its library. For each collaboration project, Daiichi Sankyo will have a preferred option to enter into a follow-up drug discovery collaboration with LDC for taking promising compounds jointly forward up to the stage of a pharmaceutical lead.

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