

Date: 2012-12-19

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: oral diagnostic and therapeutic antibodies for gastrointestinal diseases

Company: AIMM Therapeutics (The Netherlands) Cosmo Pharmaceuticals (Italy)

Therapeutic area: Gastrointestinal diseases - Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: gastrointestinal diseases including colon carcinoma


* On December 19, 2012, AIMM Therapeutics, a therapeutic antibody company, has announced a strategic partnership with Cosmo Pharmaceuticals, to develop oral diagnostic and therapeutic antibodies for gastrointestinal diseases including colon carcinoma. Under the agreement, Cosmo Pharmaceuticals will formulate novel human monoclonal antibodies generated by AIMM Therapeutics in an extended release form exploiting its proprietary MMX® technology.

Financial terms:

No financial details were disclosed.

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