

Date: 2017-04-20

Type of information: Milestone

Compound: therapeutics based on Bicycle’s bicyclic peptides

Company: Thrombogenics (Belgium) Bicycle Therapeutics (UK)

Therapeutic area: Ophtalmological diseases

Type agreement: collaboration - licensing

Action mechanism:

  • peptide. Bicyclic peptides (Bicycle®) are a novel class of small molecule medicines designed to overcome many of the limitations of existing drug modalities. They can be used as standalone therapeutic entities or coupled to deliver a variety of therapeutic payloads, and exhibit the affinity and exquisite target specificity usually associated with antibodies but in a small molecule format enabling rapid tissue penetration and flexible routes of administration.

Disease: ophtalmological diseases


  • • On September 5, 2013, ThromboGenics has entered into a collaboration and license agreement with Bicycle Therapeutics to develop and commercialize novel drugs inhibiting a specific target for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases, such as diabetic macular edema. ThromboGenics intends to develop therapeutics based on Bicycle’s bicyclic peptides, which inhibit a target involved in vascular permeability. Selective inhibition of this target represents a new approach that offers the potential to improve the treatment of DME. Bicycle Therapeutics has already identified high affinity, selective human plasma kallikrein inhibitors that show a high degree of selectivity over closely related proteases but maintain activity against plasma kallikrein from other species to facilitate preclinical testing. ThromboGenics and Bicycle will collaborate on the preclinical development of these bicyclic peptide inhibitors.

Financial terms:

  • ThromboGenics will pay Bicycle an undisclosed upfront fee, development and regulatory milestone payments and royalties on sales of products resulting from the collaboration.

Latest news:

  • • On April 20, 2017, ThromboGenics announced it has achieved an important milestone in the advancing of the pre-clinical development of its THR-149, a novel plasma kallikrein inhibitor, which the company is developing for the treatment of diabetic macular edema. Following this announcement, ThromboGenics will now start pivotal tox studies which are a last step before starting the clinical development which is expected for early 2018. This is the first milestone from the Bicycle alliance with ThromboGenics.

Is general: Yes