

Date: 2012-10-10

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: IVD assay kit using the novel biomarker circulating cell-free DNA (cf-DNA)

Company: Leukocare (Germany) Trillium Diagnostics (USA)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: sepsis


* On October 10, 2012, the German biotech company Leukocare, and Trillium Diagnostics, an US-based diagnostic company, have formed a strategic alliance regarding the development and marketing of Leukocare\'s patented method for the detection of inflammatory activity using the novel biomarker circulating cell-free DNA (cf-DNA). Trillium will use the technology to develop a commercial assay for the diagnosis of sepsis. Neutrophil-derived DNA is the major component of cf-DNA, which has recently been recognized as an important predictive biomarker in severely ill patients with acute or chronic inflammatory disorders. Leukocare has granted to Trillium an exclusive, royalty-bearing license of its patent and know-how for the method of measuring the quantity of cf-DNA to develop a commercial IVD assay kit for the worldwide market. Trillium intends to establish a cf-DNA test as a simple and cost effective tool for healthcare professionals to obtain clinically informative data on patients with suspected infection/sepsis. The development process is expected to return an approved and marketable assay in about 2 years’ time. Trillium Diagnostics has already patented infection/sepsis diagnostic assays of neutrophil CD64 expression (Leuko64 assay) and soluble CD163 (Macro163 assay) that could be used in parallel.

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