

Date: 2012-07-30

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: UR-63325

Company: Sensorion Pharmaceuticals (France) Palau Pharma (Spain)

Therapeutic area: Otorhinolaryngology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

UR-63325 is an investigational antagonist of the histamine-4 receptor, a novel and first-in-class therapeutic target implicated in several inflammation-based pathologies. The product has recently finished Phase I clinical trials showing an excellent safety and PK/PD profile. Furthermore, UR-63325 has shown promise in the treatment of respiratory conditions, and in particular asthma.

Disease: vestibular disorders


* On July 30, 2012, Palau Pharma has entered into an exclusive option agreement for its clinical stage product UR-63325, under internal development for the treatment of asthma, with Sensorion Pharmaceuticals, a French biopharmaceutical company specifically dedicated to the development of novel drugs for the treatment of vestibular disorders.
While Palau will pursue the development of UR-63325 for asthma, the company has granted certainrights to Sensorion for the development of the product for vestibular disorders, most notably vertigo. A pharmacological link between inhibition of the histamine-4 receptor and treatment of vestibular pathologies has been established, and this potential will be pursued by Sensorion.

Financial terms:

Financial terms of the transaction have not been disclosed.

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Is general: Yes