

Date: 2013-03-01

Type of information: Clinical research agreement

Compound: IBsolvMIR

Company: TikoMed (Sweden) Baylor Research Institute (USA)

Therapeutic area: Transplantation - Metabolic diseases

Type agreement:

clinical research

Action mechanism:

Disease: chronic pancreatitis patients receiving islet transplantation


* On March 1, 2013, TikoMed and Baylor Research Institute (BRI) have announced that they have established an agreement for a phase II clinical study. In the study they will investigate TikoMed´s product IBsolvMIR® in a Phase II clinical trial for the improvement of engraftment of auto islet cell transplantation (AICT), in patients with severe chronic pancreatitis. BRI have developed a therapy for treatment of chronic pancreatitis and TikoMed’s product can enhance the outcome of the treatment by improving the survival of transplanted cells by inhibiting a destructive immunological reaction (IBMIR) and through stimulation of growth factors.
This BRI study “Attenuating Instant Blood-Mediated Inflammatory Reaction in Autologous Islet Transplantation” is a Phase II single center, with the objective to document efficacy, safety and tolerability of IBsolvMIR in auto islet transplants for patients with chronic pancreatitis. The study will be conducted at Baylor Research Institute, under the direction of Principal Investigator Marlon F. Levy, M.D..

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Is general: Yes