

Date: 2013-04-22

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: undisclosed monoclonal antibody program

Company: Royal DSM (The Netherlands) DecImmune Therapeutics (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area: Cardiovascular diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: reduction of tissue damage and improvement of ventricular function associated with myocardial infarction


* On April 22, 2013, DSM Pharmaceutical Products, the custom manufacturing and technology business of Royal DSM has announced  that it has signed an agreement with DecImmune Therapeutics. The agreement covers the initiation of development activities by DSM for DecImmune\'s lead monoclonal antibody program. The initial development will be performed at DSM Biologics\' Groningen, the Netherlands, facility, with the objective of progressing manufacture of clinical trial material to DSM\'s facility in Brisbane, Australia.
DecImmune\'s proprietary antibody therapeutic is designed to reduce tissue damage and improve ventricular function associated with myocardial infarction. In a range of experimental models, DecImmune has shown that it is possible to reduce damage to heart tissue by using their proprietary therapeutic antibody. In these models the reduction in damage to heart tissue results in pumping efficiency returning to normal levels. DecImmune is also investigating this targeted approach to reduce tissue damage for a range of other acute and chronic post-injury settings.

Financial terms:

Financial terms were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes