

Date: 2013-04-18

Type of information: Production agreement

Compound: cell therapy products

Company: Cell Therapy Catapult (UK) Loughborough University (UK)

Therapeutic area: Regenerative medicine

Type agreement:


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The Cell Therapy Catapult, which is focused on the development of the UK cell therapy industry to increase the nation\'s health and wealth, and Loughborough University have agreed to work together on innovative manufacturing. The two organisations will collaborate to develop robust processes and new manufacturing and delivery techniques, removing the barriers associated with turning cell-based therapies into products, and providing training and skills development. CT Catapult will work with Loughborough University\'s Centre for Biological Engineering (CBE), a multidisciplinary research centre bridging the fields of engineering and biology, to make significant improvements to current knowledge and manufacturing effectiveness. As well as being a recognised expert in the manufacture and quality control of cells and tissues used in cell therapy, the CBE hosts the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Regenerative Medicine, and the EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Regenerative Medicine.

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Is general: Yes