

Date: 2013-04-10

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: Huperzine-A

Company: Debiopharm Group (Switzerland) Shasun Pharmaceuticals (India)

Therapeutic area: Neurodegenerative diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: Alzheimer's disease


Shasun Pharmaceuticals Ltd, a global pharmaceutical contracting organization offering world class capabilities and facilities to provide services and manufacturing at every scale across the whole drug development lifecycle and Debiopharm Group™ (Debiopharm) a Swiss-based global biopharmaceutical group with a focus on the development of innovative prescription drugs that target unmet medical needs, have entered into a licensing agreement for the manufacturing and commercialization of Huperzine-A.
Huperzine-A is a potent and reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and clinical studies have shown a significant improvement in memory deficit and cognitive performance in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Huperzine-A is commercially available through Shasun Pharmaceuticals.
According to the terms of the agreement, Shasun Pharmaceuticals Ltd will be able to use the Debiopharm technology for the manufacture of synthetic Huperzine-A under GMP quality conditions and commercialize it in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical markets.
The manufacturing technology involves a 10-stage chemical synthesis process including a complex chiral organometallic step as a key transformation of the Huperzine-A structure. The synthesis is a result of a joint collaboration between Shasun’s research centers in Chennai and the UK.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes