

Date: 2013-04-03

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: X-MAN™ isogenic cell lines, in vivo models for drug discovery

Company: Crown Bioscience (USA) Horizon Discovery (UK)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

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Crown Bioscience, a global drug discovery and development service company, and Horizon Discovery, a  provider of research tools to support the development of personalized medicines, have signed an exclusive two year collaboration agreement. Under the terms of the agreement Crown will be given access to Horizon’s proprietary collection of X-MAN™ isogenic cell lines to develop novel in vivo models for drug discovery. The relationship is a continuation of a previous collaboration between the two companies. Horizon will share its X-MAN (X-Gene Mutant and Normal) cell lines with Crown to provide in vivo animal services to third parties. Crown will use Horizon’s cell lines to provide animal model development, study execution and business marketing to its clients. These high-quality disease models are crucial for generating ‘first-in-class’ patient-relevant targets while facilitating the development of novel oncology targets and early-stage drug discovery programs within the pharmaceutical industry.
The new partnership with Horizon will allow Crown Bioscience to work towards greater insights and better means to evaluate the therapeutic value of compounds and their impact on key physiological functions. The company is committed to invest and expand its leadership in providing novel and unique models in support of the discovery and development of the best oncology drug candidates of the future.

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Is general: Yes