

Date: 2013-04-09

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: lead compounds for high value protein-protein interaction (PPI) drug targets

Company: Proteros (Germany) Priaxon (Germany)

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Proteros biostructures has entered into a Lead Discovery Collaboration with Priaxon AG to jointly develop lead compounds for high value protein-protein interaction (PPI) drug targets. The combination of Proteros’ structure guided discovery with Priaxon’s PPI-directed drug discovery platforms will be focused on the identification of novel small molecule modulators for PPI targets. As part of this collaboration, Proteros will apply its integrated Lead Discovery expertise and technologies in the field of structural biology, biophysics and screening. Priaxon will apply its proprietary drug discovery platform Priaxplore®, which combines a proprietary PPI focused chemical space with special tailor made chemoinformatic methods for the identification of potential PPI modulators.

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Is general: Yes