

Date: 2013-03-22

Type of information: Services contract


Company: Affymetrix (USA) UK Biobank (UK)

Therapeutic area: Cardiovascular diseases - Cancer - Oncology - Metabolic diseases

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Affymetrix has signed a contract with UK Biobank to genotype 500,000 DNA samples donated by UK residents as part of a prospective epidemiological study of complex diseases that are of great relevance to public health. Affymetrix’ Axiom®Genotyping Solution will be used to generate billions of high-quality genotypes which will provide UK Biobank and the research community with valuable insight to genetic factors underlying human diseases for improved prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Affymetrix expects to begin delivering data for the study towards the end of 2013. Affymetrix does not expect revenue from this contract to have a material impact in 2013, as it will start to recognize revenue in the latter part of this year, with the majority of the revenue expected to be recognized in 2014.
UK Biobank is a major national health resource, and a registered charity in its own right, with the aim of improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of serious and life-threatening illnesses – including cancer, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, eye disorders, depression and forms of dementia. UK Biobank recruited 500,000 people aged between 40-69 years in 2006-2010 from across the country to take part in this project. They have undergone measures, provided blood, urine and saliva samples for future analysis, detailed information about themselves and agreed to have their health followed.

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Is general: Yes