

Date: 2011-09-07

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: BL-7050

Company: BiolineRx (Israel) Ramot (Israel)

Therapeutic area: Inflammatory diseases - CNS diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

The new molecule acts by inhibiting the activity of pain-transmitting neurons, using a novel mechanism of action. BL-7050 is a new chemical entity based on the molecular structure of diclofenac (Voltaren), a well-known non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) widely used in the treatment of nociceptive and inflammatory pain. However, BL-7050 operates via a novel mechanism of action, namely opening specific potassium channels in nerve cells. The opening of these channels reduces the activity of the nerve cells, thereby reducing or preventing pain signals. Pre-clinical trials in cell culture and in animal models of neuropathic and inflammatory pain have shown that the molecule is effective at reducing neuronal activity and pain levels. In addition, it has an improved safely profile. BL-7050 is based on a technology which was developed in the laboratory of Professor Bernard Attali from the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, the Sackler Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University.

Disease: neuropathic pain - inflammatory pain


* On September 7, 2011, BioLineRx, a biopharmaceutical development company, has announced that it has signed a worldwide, exclusive license agreement with Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd., the technology transfer company of Tel Aviv University, for the development and commercialization of BL-7050, a novel, orally available treatment for neuropathic and inflammatory pain.

Financial terms:

Financial terms of the license were not disclosed.

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