

Date: 2013-03-11

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: preservation technology

Company: Sirona Biochem (Canada) Vitamfero (France)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases - Veterinary medicine

Type agreement:


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Sirona Biochem has signed a material transfer agreement (MTA) with French-based VitamFero, a veterinary healthcare company.  VitamFero, a member of Genopole®, will test Sirona Biochem’s proprietary biological preservation technology with a goal to extend the storage time of its live attenuated animal vaccines. VitamFero develops live and attenuated vaccines against various infectious diseases, especially against Apicomplexa parasites. VitamFero intends to build an effective protocol that, beyond their highly proven efficacy, extends the practicability of its anti-parasite vaccines. In the study, VitamFero will evaluate Sirona Biochem’s synthetic preservation technology to optimize VitamFero’s biopharmaceutical formulation and storage of its vaccines.
Using its proprietary chemistry technology, Sirona Biochem is developing biological preservation compounds to extend the life of stem cells, blood platelets, islets cells, tissues, organs and other biologics.  By preserving these biologics, storage and transport times can be extended, such as in organ transplantation, thereby reducing or eliminating unnecessary disposal of valuable biological assets.

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Latest news:

* On June 25, 2013, Sirona Biochem has announced the signing of a Letter of Intent (LOI) to create an extended collaboration with VitamFero. The goal of the collaboration is to apply Sirona Biochem’s patented glycoprotein technology to the preservation of live attenuated animal vaccines. Further to the MTA signed in March 2013, VitamFero will evaluate Sirona Biochem’s synthetic preservation technology to optimize its biopharmaceutical formulation and storage of its vaccine.

Is general: Yes