

Date: 2013-02-22

Type of information:

Compound: microRNA assay for colorectal cancer diagnostic (detection of a biomarker called hsa-mir-31-3p)

Company: IntegraGen (France) Lab21 (UK)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement: R&D

Action mechanism:

Disease: colorectal cancer

Details: * On February 22,2013, Lab21 Limited, a global specialist in personalised medicine and clinical diagnostics, has entered into an agreement with IntegraGen, a leading player in the development and marketing of molecular diagnostic testing in autism and oncology, to develop a microRNA assay for colorectal cancer designed to further improve patient outcomes.
Under the agreement, Lab21 will develop a CE marked assay, using its proprietary SPARQ™ PCR technology, to detect expression levels of a microRNA biomarker called hsa-mir-31-3p, which was discovered and patented by IntegraGen and its academic partners. Early research with this biomarker has shown that it may predict response to EGFR inhibitor therapy in KRAS-wild type patients who have metastatic colorectal cancer.
Most patients with metastatic colorectal cancer are currently screened and stratified by determining mutations in the KRAS gene. Approximately 40% of these patients carry a KRAS mutation and are not candidates for EGFR inhibitor therapy. Of the approximately 60% of patients who do not carry a KRAS mutation (i.e. KRAS wild type) and who are eligible for EGFR inhibitor therapy, effectiveness is still only 50-60%. MicroRNA expression testing may provide a further level of stratification and thus aid clinicians to identify KRAS wild type patients most likely to respond to treatment: improving outcomes, avoiding adverse reaction and saving money in the healthcare system.
Following development of the assay, Lab21 and IntegraGen will explore other opportunities for partnerships relative to the manufacturing and commercialisation of this novel oncology biomarker.

Financial terms: Financial details were not disclosed.Financial details were not disclosed.

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