

Date: 2013-02-21

Type of information:

Compound: novel medicines addressing unmet medical needs in Neuroscience and based on G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) modulation

Company: UCB (Belgium) ConfometRx (USA)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement: R&D

Action mechanism:


Details: UCB has sealed a research agreement with ConfometRx to enable the discovery of novel medicines addressing unmet medical needs in Neuroscience. Under this two-year multi-target agreement, UCB and ConfometRx will leverage structural biology to gain insight into G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) modulation towards the design of differentiated drugs.
The terms of the agreement, whose details are not disclosed, include an up-front payment, Research funding and success-based milestones.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes