

Date: 2013-02-20

Type of information:


Company: Selexis (Switzerland) Amgen (USA)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement: licensing

Action mechanism:



* On February 20, 2013,  Selexis SA, a global life sciences company for drug discovery, cell line development and scale-up to manufacturing of therapeutic proteins, has announced that Amgen has expanded their R&D License Agreement with Selexis to include an evaluation of the proprietary Selexis SURE CHO-M Cell Line™ for research and development. Under the agreement, Amgen will be able to evaluate the SURE CHO-M Cell Line™ in conjunction with the Selexis SUREtech Vectors™ for improved R&D. “ This current agreement is built on the long-standing relationship between our two companies since 2004”said Igor Fisch, Ph.D., President and CEO of Selexis.

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Is general: Yes