

Date: 2013-02-12

Type of information:

Compound: novel drug compounds for an undisclosed target

Company: Genentech, a member of Roche group (USA - Switzerland) RQx Pharmaceuticals (USA)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement: R&D

Action mechanism:


Details: RQx Pharmaceuticals has entered into a drug discovery collaboration with Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, for the discovery and development of novel drug compounds for an undisclosed target. 
RQx Pharmaceuticals was founded by Avalon Ventures in 2010 with Floyd Romesberg, Ph.D., a professor at The Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA) and two former graduate students of the Romesberg Lab. The company iqs developing broad-spectrum small molecule antibiotics to combat serious life threatening infections, including those caused by multi drug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. RQx is inspired by the synergies possible when combining naturally produced antibiotics with modern medical chemistry capabilities and is focused on identifying ideal target/inhibitor combinations to deliver a pipeline of novel antibiotic candidates.

Financial terms: Under the terms of the agreement, RQx will receive an up-front payment and is eligible to receive research and development milestone payments totaling $111 million. In addition, RQx is eligible to receive royalties on sales of products resulting from the collaboration.

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Is general: Yes